Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Year !

Whether you look forward to another year or not, the fact remains - it's here.
Steve, Stevie & I went to Deliverance & Josh's to have a few hours of together time and to set off a few fireworks we saved from July. It started snowing before we went but it was just a sifting of powdered sugar. Actually quite pretty as you can see in the picture of our house. On the way there the flakes got bigger and heavier. The roads were so slick it took us almost an hour for a 30 minute trip. The snow never let up so we didn't do the fireworks, and we left by 9:30, after seeing the 2 story rabbit hutch that Josh and his brother Chris built for the bunnies (Deliverance designed it). Steve did a good job driving carefully, we passed 3 cars in ditches. I fell asleep in our recliner waiting to hear the gunshots that we usually hear, so I missed it again, no biggie.

People's opinions are split about making New Years resolutions. Some say it helps them accomplish goals, others say it sets them up for failure so they like to just wait and see what the Lord will enable them to do day by day. Looking forward to a new year doesn't cause any pain, but anything from indifference to downright dread does require a certain amount of fortitude to face it. Some people seem to have more than their share of pains or are hit with harder ones than we could ever imagine having to cope with. People go down different paths looking for this strength of mind to live their life and to feel peace with where they are.

Being a follower of Christ I find that strength and peace with Him. I'm not meaning that I don't feel things like frustration, depression, or deep despair. I'm not always a joy to be around and I sometimes make fumbles in my relationships with people, and the list of normal humanness can go on forever. But when I manage the self discipline to emerse myself in knowing who God is, and what He offers, I'm better at trusting Him and putting my life in His hands. The stuff of daily life often gets in the way of that, but I know I have a place to look for that peace again and again. I also have the blessing of a husband whose second nature is to lift me up and make me feel good about myself (even when I know he's just prejudiced) and ready with helpful suggestions when I'm disappointed in myself.

If I neglect the Bible I neglect knowing more about Christ and why I can trust Him with my life. So I'm going to take a step I never have before, make a resolution or set a goal or whatever you want to call it. Since the Bible says I am always in the presence of Jesus, I really do always desire to know more about Him. I know it is a never-ending process because we can never know EVERYTHING about God. I just want to be more disciplined about it and since I've been a slacker for so many years, maybe officially setting a goal will help me not mess up so many days in a row. I'm not going to set myself up for failure by making the goal beyond my character. Keeping in mind my weaknesses I will just place that goal a little higher than it has been. I can use more peace of mind through those hard places, a little less depression (or more contentment), and to learn not to expect those around me to have less faults than me.

Whether you set goals for this year or not, I hope you have improvements in the areas you know that you need them. Growth is one thing expected of everyone, some are slower at it than others (like me), and sometimes we have big setbacks, just don't forget that Jesus is in it with you, and waiting for you to let Him guide you through another year.


Glass Half Full said...

Well said!

Blessings in 2008!!


Mimi's Toes said...

Wow..This is such a powerful post. You really ministered to me and I thank you for pouring out your heart so well. You are so right and made me think that I have been slacking on my daily devotional with God. I am a much happier person when I start my day with him and my day goes so much smoother. I think you opened up my eyes tonight while reading this. God Bless you my friend and Happy New Year!

someone else said...

What a thoughtful and thought-provoking post. I don't make resolutions, but I do look forward to what lies ahead. Thank you for writing this.

Linds said...

Happy New Year! Beautifully said, and very thought provoking.

Patty said...

I am so glad you visited my blog. The post that you commented on, I almost didn't post it but I knew God wanted me to. God is up to something good!!

Have a blessed 2008!

Unknown said...

I just popped in to visit, very nice post, welcome to blogging!!

Cherdecor said...

I never make New Year's resolutions either, but I do try to study a new series every year. January is a good time to study when it is cold outside and snowy. It is good to sit in and study something new.

In 1999 I studied the Experiencing God series by Henry Blackaby. It was life changing. This year I am studying with Beth Moore. I started it before I had Shingles and had to quit but now that I am well, I am starting it again.

It is a discipline when I have to do it by my self but I enjoy studying and learning.

I enjoyed your post!

Anonymous said...

Hi Linda! I discovered you by way of Lauren at Faith Fuel. Thank you for this post. Bless you in this new year!


Linda said...

Beautifully said Linda. I pray God's blessing and presence as you seek a deeper walk with Him. I agree - there's nothing better than that!

shattuck7 said...

I am curious, Linda. Did you come to a decision on what you will be doing Bible reading wise? I applaud you for wanting more! Pam

Cal said...

The fact that Jesus walks with us into the new year is really Good News. We don't have to fear the future because he holds it and us in his hands.


Jen said...

I set projects and one goal...my devotions. Your snow is beautiful.

Nise' said...

Linda, wonderfully said! It is so true that if we are emersed in His word we are better equipped to trust Him and put ourselves in totally in His hands! We are assured that we will NEVER waste time in God's word!

As We Sail... said...

Thank you all for the encouragement. I hope I can live up to it.
Pam, I have been really neglecting my daily basic Bible reading. One time I started a bible that was set up to get through it in a year. When I fell way behind I thought it would be easier to do Spurgeon's Evening and Morning devotionals but was sporadic with that too. So I added some word studies on e-sword using the commentators there. I just need to be more consistent. So I'm setting a goal, thinking this will help me to not miss so many of them. Bible studies are great, but I have been wanting to cover more scripture along with that. So I've started a book called Key Word Commentary by Mark Water. It takes you chapter by chapter through the bible with 10 "Keys" to study for each one. You end up reading more than 1 chapter for each page of "Keys" because one of the Keys is cross references for that chapter.
I think I will talk about it more in one of my posts later on when I know more about how I'm doing with it.

Angie said...

Great words. For this is the will of God, even your sanctification (1 Thes 4:3). This is the improvement you speak of. As we surrender all to Him, may He help us in this sanctification/improvement process. It seems like the New Year helps jump start it all, doesn't it?

So glad to know you. Thanks for visiting! ~Angie

Tina said...

Hi Linda,
thanks a lot for stopping by at my blog and leaving a comment! It is always joy for me to "meet" fellow christians online!
I totally agree with what you posted - especially according to the "resolutions-on-new-year-question"... I just wanted to show something and I will post my personal thoughts about it, soon...

Have a blessed 2008 filled with grace to do His will,

Beth K. Vogt said...

Beautiful photo ... and honest, encouraging words. Setting the bar just a little bit higher is a good way to go for the new year.