Friday, May 23, 2008

I Bless Your Name

What does it mean to bless God?

In looking for this explanation on the web, it led me to John Pipers site where he had looked for the answer to this same question. His examination of the scriptures in this little study seems to be true, and when I compared some of his verses to renowned commentators with the same outcome, I think it's safe to agree that in these instances the word "bless" translates to "praise". So, to bless God means to acknowledge various aspects of His magnificence, and express our gratitude and delight in experiencing it. Check out the many verses that led him to this conclusion, and compare them yourself to your favorite commentators.

May others in witnessing our life, also bless His name.


About Nancy said...

Such a simple thing isn't it? And yet it is our praise that blesses God like nothing else. Thanks for the reminder and may we all seek to praise (bless) Him this day.
In Him,

Anonymous said...

I am back from our trip to Virginia and am catching up on the blogs. I haven't read any of John Piper's studies but this sounds very good.

It seems like everyone is talking about praise today. It certainly is a lot easier to do than obedience is. I am glad that you have defined it.

We just came from a conference this past week. The music was loud and everyone was praising the Lord, but do you think they would engage themselves in small talk to get to know the person sitting beside them? No, they were too busy looking "cool."

I remember Joyce Myer saying during one of her huge meetings, "You people are lifting your hands and praising God and when this thing is over, you will get in your cars and try to get out of the parking lot. You will be yelling and shaking your fists at each other in order to be first." Even though I do not align myself with Joyce Myer, she certainly does tell it the way it is.

(I must have forgotten my password.)